Hi and welcome! I'm glad you're here and hope you find something to make your visit worthwhile. Come again!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We have been without our main computer for several days. Wow! Do I ever rely on it! I can't believe how many times I started to go to the computer before realizing it wasn't there. Wayne is AWEsome, though, and knew just how to fix it. What would we do without him?

A week ago Sunday we invited anyone serious about praying for our church to join us at our house. Altogether there were 8 of us here for over 2 hours. It was great, and since then, 3 opportunities have come up: one person suggested doing something for an "unchurched" family with a new baby, another suggested meals for an "unchurched" couple (and daughter and her 2 children who are staying with them) following the wife's surgery, and someone without a church asked if we could serve a meal following a funeral. That's a lot of contacts for one week.

Jonathan and Josalyn sent ultrasound pictures of their little one. It's so amazing to see how detailed they are at only 8-9 weeks. Next time they hope to find out the gender and I'll let you know. With 2 little ones on the way I'm feeling the need to begin quilting, like yesterday.

The eagles are really thick around here this year although the overall count is down. There were at least 40 of them in the trees on the edge of Danville over the weekend. Ed took this picture from the car. We learned that a trapper throws the entrails out in the field there and they find them delicious. Somehow eagles don't seem so regal after hearing that.

Last time I told you about the ceiling fan we got for $15. Ed now has it all installed and it gives wonderful light (when we remember that we can actually turn this one on).

Obviously there's not much of anything exciting going on at our house right now, but we'll try to do better this coming week. I hope yours will be great, too.

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