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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! Did you celebrate today? From what I've heard and seen, it's getting out of hand with such elaborate card exchanges at school that instead of showing love, it's become showing off. I'm glad I don't get into it much. We did, however, have a church celebration with a twist. We all shared about a hobby we love. It was really fun, and we learned some pretty interesting things from some pretty interesting people. Of course, we had to have food. We kept it to hors d'ouvres, but there was still more than we could possibly eat, and was it ever yummy. Here are a few of the cookies I had fun decorating for the occasion:
Debbie, how did your church party go? It sounded like it would be tons of fun.

Finally we're having some wonderful sunny, warm days. You should have seen the line at the car wash! It's hard to believe that just a week ago I was out in freezing weather building this snowman. Today, he's just a puddle! I know, he's kind of little, but the snow was so wet and heavy that as I rolled the ball, more stuck from the ball to the snow on the ground than to the snowball, so I practically made each one by hand. Anyway, it was fun. And yes, he has a carrot nose.

Here are my last 2 pictures for this week - a before and after of my free yard sale ottoman. Finally got it done. At least it's clean.
Well, my most recent project was rearranging the furniture (once again) downstairs and I think it's finally good. Ed is very glad to know that! He has to help me with the heavy things and it's not his favorite thing. I couldn't stand the bare cement around the outer walls (where the tiles were removed to install the system to prevent water from getting in) any longer so cut scraps of the upstairs carpet to fit. Looks much better now even if it doesn't match. It "blends." Why don't you come see it? Any excuse for a visit will do, right?

We both love hearing from all of you. The forwards you folks send are great and we enjoy them even if we don't reply each time. Lois, thanks for your faithful emails and good news of what's happening.

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