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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We're Back!!

Wow! What a trip we had going to Arizona and back! We loved all the different kinds of country we traveled through - snow capped mountains to desert, miles of flat "wasteland" to lush forests. It was all beautiful. We enjoyed seeing the petrified forest and painted desert, but the highlight for me was the desert botanical garden in Phoenix. Amazing! Our favorite pictures from the trip are on the photo album page; you'll find it at the top right under "pages." (I'm finding it doesn't work, but you can try if you want.)

But, of course, the absolute best part was seeing Jonathan, Josalyn and Jagger! It was so good to see their home and all the places they frequent. Jagger is just as sweet as he looks. We didn't hear him really cry the whole time we were there; he's one patient little guy! We saw all our grandchildren during the 2 week vacation, and now we need to see David and Rachel to make it all complete. Maybe if they had a baby around . . . . (Just kidding ;) ) Besides that, I don't know of anything we could have added to make our time any better.

Jagger with Mommy and Daddy

Since we got back we've gotten the "built-in" bookcases finished. They just needed a second coat of paint. They actually look good if you don't get too close. I also got the flooring finished - couldn't until I knew exactly where the bookcases would be - and got all the quarter-round cut. Hurray!!! All that remains is to paint that and finish the step up into the dining room, and we know how we're going to do that and actually have the supplies. Woo-hoo!! The light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter.

Well, I'm heading outside to finish readying the "garden" for the bulbs that are due to arrive any time. On nice days I've been moving and arranging large rocks previously used around the pond and hope to finish that today. The ones I don't use for this will be used somewhere later, so there will still be plenty of work on my to-do list.

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