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Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Our house is all decorated, cookies are baking, and snow is falling. What could be better? We love this time of year and hope that for you, too, it will be a wonderful time of family, friends, and most of all, celebrating Jesus' birth and all that means.

This is certainly a busy time. This week includes accompanying the Jr High choir concert, then the Sr High choir concert, and substituting for the ladies' Bible study leader who is in Germany. Sunday evening we have our Christmas Celebration at church (people have volunteered to do special music, readings, etc) with everyone invited to our house afterward for a Christmas Open House. We're also inviting neighbors, so I've been working like crazy on the food prep. So far I shopped for the groceries, made sugar cookies, some chocolate candy, spritz, chocolate crinkle cookies, angel macaroons, fudge, peppermint candy, peanut clusters,and a cheese ball. I won't tell you how much more stuff I still have to prepare - I'd depress myself!

Early next week Jennifer, Mark and kids and Elizabeth, Troy and kids will arrive for Christmas. We'll be celebrating on Thursday evening as the Vaughns must leave for home on Friday, then we'll do it again on Christmas since the Riders can stay. We have thought about going to David's for New Year's but don't know for sure yet.

We are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel of major house projects. They are certainly not all done yet, but at least we are not feeling hopeless about it. I've learned a lot this past 15 months including how to use a compound miter saw, table saw, how to demolish kitchen counters, how to build a wall and lay tile and laminate flooring. All the floors are done except the entry which I hope to do after the first of the year, and the step down into the living room needs to be finished. The kitchen looks pretty good if I do say so myself after my first-ever attempt to do ceramic tile (the backsplash). We are feeling snug now with the much-needed new french doors in place (an answer to prayer!) and the garage made ready for the car to be parked inside. And just in time, too - we got our first snow this week and it's freezing!

We haven't really begun much downstairs, but slowly it feels more inviting and I painted and fixed up the guest "suite." That means we have great accomodations for you, so come see us. The price is right!

When David and Rachel were here for Thanksgiving, David wrote up a work-out plan for Ed and me. We've been doing the exercises (which are quite challenging!) and I'm waiting for those astounding results. I hurt for several days in places I've never hurt before which was a surprise as I had been working out for a while - obviously not hard enough!

Well, in case you didn't know, we'll be grandparents again in May. Elizabeth and Troy are getting ready for little Rider #3. I hope it's a girl this time, although the boys are so cute and sweet, another one would be just fine. Wow! That will make eight grandchildren!!! (I feel waaaay too young for that!)

There is so much to be thankful for as we look over the past year and so much to look forward to in the next. We hope it will be just as good for you.

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